Thursday 4 September 2008

AVG 8 update failing with 'Invalid CTF file error'

Try this method instead:

Click on Start, then Run and copy the following text and paste it into the box:

del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\avg8\update\download\*.ctf"

Try running the update again and it should now complete successfully!!



Anonymous said...

I assume this command is for Windows? trying to run it in Vista Home Premium yields nothing -- the file cannot be found, and I get a message saying there is no such command as "del".

John G said...

The post was intended for XP, as I wouldn't use Vista on any of my systems for that matter.

As for Vista and the lack of the 'del' command, I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work to be honest. I've just had a browse on the 'interweb' and found the syntax for the delete command as shown below:

DEL[ETE] [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A[[:]attributes]] filename [...]

If del doesn't work, then delete should work. If neither work, then I'm not sure I can suggest anything else. I'd like to say that since I have no live Vista installs, I am unable to test it out for you.

One alternative would be to browse through Windows Explorer to the folder in question and remove the required files, and then try the Update process for AVG again.

It would be great if you were able to post back with any success you experience.


John G

John G said...

Please let me know how you get on Norman?

Cheers, JG