Wednesday 9 April 2008

ViaAqua and freelance IT work

ViaAqua is the name of a health club here in Montevideo. Since Alessandra (my girlfriend) is already a member, I was able to join as an invited guest. The only problem is that it is for 3 consecutive days! My arms have already started hurting with phantom pain.

My attempts at using the pool for swimming (what a novel concept) were thwarted by an army of rather enthusiastic people doing what appeared to be exercises in the water. I was soon joined by Ale, but after 20 minutes I became bored swimming on my own and decided to join in. It was actually quite good fun although slightly effeminate. That didn't seem to bother the Montevidean men though, which worries me slightly ;-)

Returned home to gather my stuff, then on to Nacho's where we discussed the possibility of freelance IT work via the internet. I hadn't given it much thought before but it's certainly worth further investigation.


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